6th Distinguished Law Lecture Series: Barrister M. Amir-ul Islam

The department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific has arranged its 6th lecture of the Distinguished Law Lecture Series on January 25, 2017

Speaker: Barrister M. Amir-ul Islam, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

Old evidence and victims’ recollections are needed in trials of international crimes, says Barrister M. Amir-ul Islam in the 6th UAP Distinguished Law Lecture Series 2017

In seeking justice by holding trials of international crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crime, there is obvious need to accept old evidence, historical records and victims’ recollections by the courts and tribunals, said Barrister M. Amir-ul Islam, the Senior Advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court and the architect of the Proclamation of Independence of Bangladesh, in the 6th UAP Distinguished Law Lecture Series 2017.

The lecture was organized by the Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific (UAP) on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 in its city campus at Green Road.

Being invited as the Distinguished Speaker, Barrister Islam talked on the significance of International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-Bangladesh to try the perpetrators of 1971 genocide and war crimes. By highlighting the historical importance of 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, he said that one must not forget the past as it has curious habit of recurrence unless dealt with in an appropriate manner.

While referring to international scenarios of genocide trials of Nuremberg, Cambodia, Rwanda and Yugoslavia, he commented that given the failure of many international and hybrid tribunals, the role of national tribunals to end the impunity of perpetrators is being increasingly appreciated. National trials are in proximity to the victims, which renders the pursuit of justice more meaningful to the country. The ICT operating within Bangladesh and in proximity to the victims thus render the pursuit of justice a more meaningful exercise.

He also said that since the commencement of the trial of the perpetrators of war criminals in Bangladesh, it is noticeable that the mobilizations of the people and the State agencies have demonstrated a significant success and solidarity in combating the recent terrorist attacks in Bangladesh.

The Department of Law and Human Rights regularly organizes the UAP Distinguished Law Lecture Series in order to facilitate young law students with an opportunity to interact with senior advocates, judges and scholars of the country. Among others, Chief Justice of Bangladesh Mr. Surendra Kumar Sinha, High Court Division Judge Mr. Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Constitutional Law Jurist Mr. Mahmudul Islam, Eminent Jurist Dr. Kamal Hossain, Former Attorney General Mr. A F Hassan Ariff spoke in the previous UAP Distinguished Law Lecture Series.

The 6th UAP Distinguished Law Lecture Series 2017 was presided over by Profesor Dr. Jamilur Reza Chowdhury, the Honorable Vice-chancellor of UAP. Dr. Chowdhury Ishrak Ahmed Siddiky, Assistant Professor in Law at the UAP, moderated the program while Ms. Nazia Wahab, Head of the Department, concluded the program by giving vote of thanks.