Ms. Azizun Nahar

Ms. Azizun Nahar

Assistant Professor 

LL.B. (Honours), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

LL.M. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

E-Mail: nahar

Master of Laws (LL.M), University of Dhaka

Bachelor of Laws (Honours), University of Dhaka

  1. Women’s Access to Justice in Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh: A Legal Perspective


    Azizun Nahar (Co-author)

     | Year: June, 2024 | Journal: CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 06, No. 1


  2. The Position of the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in the Bilateral Investment Treaties of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis


    Azizun Nahar 

     | Year: December, 2022, Vol. 17,  Issue No. 2 | Journal: Asian Journal of International Law


  3. Historical basis of Modern Ombudsman: A Critical Inquiry


    Azizun Nahar

     | Year: December, 2020, Vol. 4&5,  Issue No. 1 | Journal: University of Asia Pacific – Journal of Law and Policy


  4. Divorce under Islamic Family Law: Mere Disliked Action or Illegal Action


    Azizun Nahar(Co-author)

     | Year: December, 2012, Vol. 23, No. 2 | Journal:  Dhaka University Law Journal


  5.  Revisiting the Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State


    Azizun Nahar (Co-author)

     | Year: June, 2012, | Journal: Dhaka University Law Journal Vol. 23, No. 1


  6. Rethinking the Plights of Divorcee under Islamic Family Law


    Azizun Nahar (Co-author)

     | Year: December, 2011 | Journal: Dhaka University Law Journal Vol. 22, No. 2


011-2012: Lecturer, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific

2013-2015: Lecturer, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific

2018-2020: Lecturer, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific

2020-Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific

Undergraduate Program

International Trade Law 

Gender and Delopment

Law of Transfer of Property and Registration

Administrative Law

English For law



Graduate Program


Azizun Nahar
Assistant Professor 
Address: 74/A Green Road, Dhaka 1205