Nazia Wahab
Nazia Wahab
Assistant Professor & Assistant Proctor
LL.B. (Honours), LL.M., University of Dhaka
Post Graduate Diploma, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Post Graduate Diploma: Institution of Federalism of the University of Fribourg, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Master of Laws (LL.M): Department of Law, University of Dhaka
Bachelor of Laws (Hons.): Department of Law, University of Dhaka
- Gender and awareness of laws on intimate partner violence: a study among Bengali, Garo, and Santal ethnic communities in rural BangladeshAuthor:| Year: 2022 | Journal: Journal of interpersonal violence
R Karim, N Wahab, D Hossain, K Swahnberg
Previous studies on intimate partner violence against women in Bangladesh rarely focused on the effectiveness of primary prevention strategies like legal remedies. There is also a lack of studies on the issues among the ethnic minority communities in the country. This study examines the awareness of laws on intimate partner violence (such as recognizing the abusive acts and knowing the sanctions) among the ethnic Garo and Santal and mainstream Bengali communities in rural Bangladesh. The study randomly included 1929 married women and men from 24 villages. It appeared that the respondents were not adequately aware of the relevant legal provisions. There were also gender and ethnic differences in the issues. On average, the respondents maintained a low score on recognizing abusive acts. The awareness was further lower among the women compared to the men. In addition, multivariate analysis indicated that the Bengali women had relatively a better understanding of the issues than the Garo and Santal women. However, the Garo men showed poorer awareness of recognizing the abusive acts than the Bengali and Santal men. On the other hand, the respondents also maintained a very insufficient knowledge of the sanctions against such abusive acts, whereas women also showed a lower awareness compared to their male counterparts. Data further revealed that the Santal women had a more inadequate understanding of the issues than the Bengali and Garo women. However, the Garo men had more awareness of the sanctions than the Bengali and Santal men. The study reveals that people are unfamiliar with the laws governing intimate partner violence. It shows that understanding legal issues is another field of gender and ethnic inequality in the country. We suggest that there should be intervention to make aware the citizen, mainly women of all ethnicities, to ensure the efficacy of the laws.
- Eradicating of Domestic Violence against women: a Comparative Study on Legal Framework between Sri Lanka and BangladeshAuthor:| Year: 2020 | Journal: High Technology Letters
VS Nazia Wahab
Violence against Women (VAW), in general, and Domestic Violence against Women (DVAW), in particular, is a significant social problem. The United Nations defines violence against women (VAW) as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”. It is one of the most pervasive of human rights violations: denying women equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms. Domestic Violence against Women (DVAW) means the violence by an intimate partner or by other family members. Common forms of domestic violence include battery, rape and even murder at the hands of intimate partners. Other crimes of violence against women include forced pregnancy, abortion or sterilization, and harmful traditional practices such as dowry-related violence, and killings in the name of honor. Women are in excessive risk at home; the home where they should feel secure. DVAW has a long lasting bad impact on women’s physical and mental health and even on their children’s. DVAW is common almost everywhere in the world and particularly more prevalent in some countries or parts of the world, often in developing countries; for example the associations of dowry violence and bride burning with countries such as Bangladesh and some regions of South-Asian countries so on. Women are half of the population in both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, women play an important role in a countries economy therefore being unable to secure them from such violence hampers the overall development of the country. There are some laws both in Bangladesh Lanka. But these laws are failing in eradicating the DVAW. This study will try to conduct a comparative legal study between the laws for preventing DVAW of two countries: to find out the loopholes in the laws and to make a way out of this situation briefly in legal framework; however this study may not be focusing on other sociological perspectives of DVAW.
- An Evaluation: How far are the Rights of Women Prisoners Protected under Bangladeshi laws?Author:| Year: 2020 | Journal: IILS LAW REVIEW
N Wahab
Mahatma Gandhi said “hate the sin, love the sinner”. Numerous international instruments also ensure some basic rights of prisoners. For example, it is said that “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated at all times with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person” . This is further said that women prisoners shall not suffer discrimination and shall be sheltered from all forms of forcefulness or abuse . Like other countries of the world, Bangladesh also has a number of women prisoners. Hence, they need some gender specific requirements. Nevertheless, the author thinks that, Bangladesh is not fully complying with the international instruments. Additionally, there are some scholastic views regarding this. Some academic by their writings also confirmed that, our women prisoners are deprived of some basic rights. In this paper, the author will try to analyze the existing laws of country for protecting women prisoner’s right and its compliance with international standard. Therefore, the author will try to give some suggestion to ensure women prisoner’s right.
- Online Shopping and Consumer Rights Protection within Bangladesh: A Review of Current Laws and RegulationsAuthor:| Year: 2018 | Journal: South Asian Law Review Journa
N Wahab
In the 21st century online shopping is rapidly increasing day by day. Now-a-days, if a consumer asks for a pizza from Pizza Shop, he or she will get it at his or her door within few hours. If someone wants to buy a laptop or watch, several of the websites are available in Bangladesh now to provide the goods in a very reasonable price. There are many benefits of online shopping; this is the reason why online stores are a booming business today. The benefit of online shopping includes buying clothes, gadgets, shoes, appliances, or even daily groceries, it saves time-with just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and instantly move to other vital things, which can save time, save fuel, because there is no need for vehicle, save energy, comparison of Prices, 24/7 availability, no waiting in queue, easy to search merchandise you want to buy. However, these experiences of online shopping have not been very pleasant for many of the consumers. Sometimes customers have complained too. The common criticisms of online shopping are lack of privacy and confidentiality, lack of enough information, lack of refund policy and aftersales policy. This paper is focusing on the vital problem of lack of proper laws and regulation in this respect. Bangladesh has a well-structured legal framework and number of laws that are related to but not directly focused on online shopping. The study will be conducted mainly on the basis of the analysis collected both from primary and secondary sources of data following both the qualitative and quantitative approach. Primary sources, for example, relevant laws, books, and secondary sources are newspaper clips, published articles, and other existing resources available will be explored for gaining access to the updated scholarship on the issue. The paper will try to analyze the existing laws and legal system for protecting the rights of online consumers/shoppers in
N Wahab, F Sultana
Goal three (ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages) of the Sustainable Development Goals includes the reduction of the global maternal mortality ration. We also believe that, this target will be fulfilled not instantly, but gradually as there will be no more children in our near future. The extensive use of numerous pesticides, formalin and chemicals in the food industry has great adversarial impact which is silently pushing the human race towards death. Adulterated food and pesticides has numerous harmful effects on reproductive issues containing infertility, decline of semen, birth defects and low birth weight. Though this is a worldwide problem, but in our paper we are going to focus on only Bangladesh. We will discuss about the responsibility of the food adulteration in terms of female infertility only. Article 18 of The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has enumerated regarding the protection of public. Apart this, there are more or less fourteen different Act(s) are available in Bangladesh to protect and maintain the quality of food to ensure public health. But unfortunately, with all this efforts the fertility rate is not soring high rather decreasing. According to the statistics of the World Bank, in 1960 the fertility rates in Bangladesh among women were 6.7 whereas in 2014 the rates come down in 2.2 percentage. This is a clear indication that the infertility problem is not succumbing anyway. If such continues Bangladesh will not be able to fulfill the target of sustainable development goal. The proper implementation of the existing laws in Bangladesh can be an effective way out to fight this problem.
S Nazia Wahab
Domestic violence has been directly linked to numerous kinds of immediate and long-term physical and psychological injury to women. Domestic violence is increasingly being recognized not only as an issue of human rights but also as a serious public health concern. Bangladesh is one of the poor country in the world and its estimated prevalence rate of domestic violence against women is extremely high which, in turn, is ‘an obstacle to the achievement of equality, development and peace”. Domestic violence against women is the most obvious gender-specific violation of human rights, and is a form of discrimination against women. This article will explore steps that have been taken by the Bangladeshi government in recent times to improve the situation for domestic violence against women. The conclusion will provide some of the general recommendations for elimination of domestic violence against women from Bangladesh.
- Will Existing Decentralization Process of Bangladesh Demand for Federalism: Bangladesh on It’s Verge for Sustainable DevelopmentAuthor:| Year: 2014 | Journal: Актуальные проблемы права: теория и практика
Nazia Wahab
In country governing system decentralization is a process of redistributing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority, maintains a clear link with democracy, development, public administration and good governance. A well-shaped properly balanced decentralization process may ensure political stability, effective service delivery, poverty reduction and equity. Bangladesh, 8th (150,039,000) most populous country of the world with relatively small land areas (147,570 km2), has a long history of local government. After independence, since 1971, Bangladesh has been characterized for nepotism, authoritarianism, corruption, lack of accountability and transparency, whereas frequent natural disasters, neighbor country’s water politics and inadequate mineral resources lead to the long staying poverty for the nation. Therefore, the decentralization in our country never goes beyond the document value.
6 April, 2009-31 October, 2012: Lecturer, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific
01 November, 2012-to Date: Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific
Undergraduate Program
Introduction to Law and Legal System, LAW-101
Law of Torts, LAW-109
Introduction to International Relations, IIR 208
International Law, LAW-302